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Tumbetun Namawi mi:wi

(Healing Our Spirit) Team

Moorundi Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service Ltd. delivers a comprehensive range of primary health care services to our communities. 


Mental Health Clinician, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Counsellor, Community Engagement Officer and Alcohol and Other Drugs Counsellor


Tumbetun Namawi mi:wi (Healing Our Spirit): 

  • Bringing the Community Together through group events and programs

  • Holistic Health, focusing on the emotional effect on health and well being

  • Social and Emotional Well Being Counselling

  • Mental Health support and management

  • Alcohol And Other Drugs Counselling

  • We encourage programs that link Language and Culture with Social & Emotional Wellbeing

  • Event Organisation - NAIDOC, Reconciliation, Sorry Day and others.

  • Trauma informed and person centred care, working with the whole family to achieve the best outcomes

  • Yarning Groups

  • A “Wrap around” service that can link into other Moorundi services

  • Partnering with other services in our region to ensure our Community get the best care, for example joint programs with Headspace

Moorundi and UniSA Partnership

Best Practice in Older People’s Mental Health: Case Study Aunty Ros

In January, 2020 a group of our Ngarrindjeri Elders joined forces with Dr Kate Rhodes from Uni SA and the Social and Emotional Well Being team to develop an educational film. The need for an appropriate Cultural Needs Assessment came out of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and the Oakden Review.


In response to the outcomes of the commission Dr Rhodes approached Moorundi for Cultural advice from our Elders, and the possibility of creating a video as an educational resource that we could share. The film will contribute to the Post Graduate Certificate, “Best Practice in Older People’s Mental Health”, for registered nurses.


We had planned an official launch of the film for the 23rd March, however the Coronavirus has put a hold on this, and we will announce the launch later in the year. Congratulations to the wonderful and talented Elders who gave their time and acting skills to the making of this film.


Thank you to Aunty Roslyn Richards, Aunty Vicki Hartman, Aunty Lena Rigney, Aunty Pauline Walker, Georgie Trevorrow, Vicki Cummings and Diana Murphy. Thanks also to Dr Rhodes for inviting us to contribute to Uni SA’s teaching resources.

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